As one door opens another... will smack you in the face

I hate this almost as much
Let's make things clear. I am exceptionally British. I would apologise to the driver of a car after he had run me down and broken my leg. The word 'sorry' and I have a bond that can never break. I was brought up to respect others and say 'please' and 'thank you'. And this is where my next bugbear comes in.

Any decent human being will happily hold open the door for others. Many will hold it open and let others through first. Others will hold it open for many people at the time. The least those passing through the doorway could do is say a simple 'thanks'. Those that don't... I HATE YOU!

But it gets worse. Many people will not even acknowledge your existence as you stand there holding open the door and they insouciantly glide through with ease. Did that door open all by itself? Just for them? Because they really are THAT special?

Now, perhaps it's just me that experiences such rudeness. Maybe the fact I have the face like a mangled foot makes people want to avoid any form of contact altogether. Whatever it is, after it's happened, I am a changed man.

Now, I am not a violent man. I've made it all through my life without physically fighting anyone. And, while Tyler Durden in Fight Club may say "How much can you know yourself if you've never been in a fight?", I know enough that I don't want to strike anyone. But walk through a door I'm holding open for you and fail to acknowledge me, be prepared for me to grab you by the hair, drag you back to to doorway and smash your face between door and frame until you black out.

Manners cost nothing, but go a long way. Fail to be polite and fear my wrath!

So, to those arrogant enough to think doors magically open for you: you're not better than I. In fact, with your complete lack of manners, you are far worse. I hope your parents are ashamed.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like many people would comment on this blog telling you what an ass you are, picking on the world, and NICKLEBACK, like this. But I beg to differ. Nickleback deserves it. The only thing I hate more than nickleback is radio stations that play nickleback. So, for the record, you are awesome. And I am sorry that the post I am commenting on does not involve nickleback.


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